Camp Table- Bob Myers
Patrol Table- Henning
Camp Table - Rodney Hughes
Camp Table and Patrol Box- Bob Myer
Chow Box #1- Bob Myers
Patrol Kitchen Box- Henning
Patrol Kitchen Box
Patrol Box- Rodney Hughes
Camp Table and Patrol Box- Bob Myer
Chow Box #2- Bob Myers
Kitchen Plans- Tobin
Patrol Kitchen Box Plans- Tobin
Patrol Chuck Box- Tobin
Klondike Sleds
Derby Sled- Henning
Sled Blueprints- Tobin
Sled Blueprints #2- Tobin
Sled Blueprints #3- Tobin
PVC sled picture- Tobin
Misc. Plans
HOBO Stoves- Steve Tobin
If you have any plans please send them in: Click Here